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 Week 4: Feb 1 - 7

Digital StoryTelling



Week 4


During week 4 of the course, participants will:


  • read about digital storytelling
  • see examples of digital storytelling being used in the educational setting
  • experiment with different digital storytelling tools that can be used in the classroom
  • create their own stories using a tool of their choice


Extension: using digital timelines



Task 1 - Introduction (watch and read)


a. What´s digital story telling? Watch this video introduction to storytelling.


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b. Read about digital storytelling and learn about this new genre.





Task 2 - See examples


a. These are some of the web tools that can be used for storytelling purposes.

    Have a look at some examples we´ve selected.


Ask yourself: Which ones did you like the most? What did you like about it? Which tools would you like to try out?


Voicethread http://voicethread.com/share/241644/
Dfilm http://cartoonfestival.pbwiki.com/
Vuvox http://www.vuvox.com/collage/detail/0b3693460
Capzles http://www.capzles.com/#/72bf9694-6d5c-480f-98ab-ba78740427a9/
xtranormal http://www.xtranormal.com/watch?e=20081009200052553
Xtimeline http://www.xtimeline.com/timeline/Jorge-s-Travels-through-Europe
Flip http://www.flip.com/people/flipbooks/410111?conNext=true
Mixbook http://www.mixbook.com/photo-books/interests/the-phantom-of-the-opera-2759
Flickr http://flickr.com/groups/visualstory/
Goanimate http://goanimate.com/go/movie/0PnnraHQ4ovw/1




 Task 3 - Explore


a. First, let´s explore as many tools as we can before choosing one for our final project this week. All the tools mentioned above are free, so sign up and have a look at how the tool works. Don't worry if you get lost in the multitude of tools: you can find tutorials on how to use each of them on YouTube or on their home page, for example:


a) How to use VoiceThread http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BULUq4LS10w 

b) How to use VuVox http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nwzr-JWBq0Q&feature=related

c) Capzles http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kBv2UwbKG6E 


If you have any problems working with any of the tools, ask for support at our HelpDesk and we´ll do our best to help you out.




Task 4 - Create your story


a. After exploring the suggested tools, let´s get to work by starting creating our own stories. Choose a tool you´ve enjoyed and start working on a story using your imagination or our suggested topic "A Day in the Life of a Learner."


b. It would be a good idea to create a story board to help you organize your story


(What is a storyboard? Find out here:

  1. http://multimedia.journalism.berkeley.edu/tutorials/starttofinish/storyboarding/
  2. http://accad.osu.edu/womenandtech/Storyboard%20Resource/
  3. http://www.sotherden.com/video101/storyboard.htm




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Synchronous Interaction


Group Get-Together With our Special Guest of the Week - Silvia Tosano



About Our Guest Speaker Where? When?
My name is Silvia Rosenthal Tolisano. I was born in Germany, raised inArgentina and am living in the United States. I hold a Bachelor's Degree in Spanish with a Minor in International Studies and a Masters in Education with an emphasis in Instructional Technology. My areas of interest include technology in the classroom, digital storytelling, multicultural and global education. I blog, twitter, plurk and skype under the name of "Langwitches".

You can visit my blog at http://www.langwitches.org/blog

We'll listen to and chat with Silvia about Digital Storytelling at Learning Times


Check instructions to access our Virtual Room in Elluminate.


Feb 7th,

Sunday at






Our Session Online Spaces


Our Ning Group: main environment, message board for announcements and discussions

Our Flickr Group: group photosharing space

Our Wiki: syllabus, weekly tasks, weekly discussion threads and tutorials

Our Diigo Group: online social bookmarking space where we keep all the resources being shared by the group


Click here to check your work for week 4


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