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Page history last edited by Carla Arena 14 years, 9 months ago



 Week 1: Jan11 - 17

Getting Started



Week 1


During the first week of the course, participants will:


  • Join the group meeting place, Ning
  • edit their profiles in Ning for the group to learn more about their educational context and interests
  • exchange introductions and become familiar with the group environments
  • add themselves to the group map 
  • create their Flickr account and join the images4education group on Flickr
  • explore Flickr basic features










Task 1 - Connecting - Getting Started with Ning


a. Access our Ning Group and join us.




b. Take your time to answer your profile questions carefully to let us know more about you and your goals for this online session so that we can adapt it according to your interests and needs.


b. Once your membership has been approved, explore our group members' page http://images4education2010.ning.com/profiles/members/ and connect to others.


c. Go to your page settings and customize your space, check your information, change its appearance and set up your email preferences.




Task 2 - Introducing Yourself, Establishing Bonds, Socializing


a. A view from your window. Access our Lounge , add yourself to our multicultural map, and introduce yourself.



b. Take a seat and "listen" to the others at the Lounge, check their introductions, and interact with, at least, two other participants.




Task 3 - Getting Started with Flickr


is a photo sharing online space that can be used to share your photos with friends and family, keep them stored online in public or private view. However, Flickr goes much beyond it. It's an online social space in which people talk about and through images. They create groups, collaborate, talk, learn from one another. In fact, Flickr can be a powerful platform for the classroom. And, from now on, we'll explore its pedagogical potential. The Images4Education Team hopes you truly enjoy the ride!


b. Watch Flickr in Plain English




c. Sign up for a Flickr Account at http://flickr.com






Task 4 - Exploring Flickr


a. Check your Account settings. Edit your Profile, check the tabs "Privacy & Permissions", and "Email".


b. Watch Jeff Utech's presentation "What Can I do with Flickr?"


c. Join our Images4Educators Flickr Group.




d. Go to our Members' Page on Flickr and connect to other participants of our Images4Education session. Click on the persons' names and "add them as a contact".






Office Hours


Asynchronous Interaction http://images4education2010.ning.com/group/helpdesk





Synchronous Interaction


 Office Hours

Time to be announced soon


At Skype

Help Desk for questions and support.

Skype ID: 




EVO Kick Off 





Our Session Online Spaces


Our Ning Group: main environment, message board for announcements and discussions

Our Flickr Group: group photosharing space

Our Wiki: syllabus, weekly tasks, weekly discussion threads and tutorials

Our Diigo Group: online social bookmarking space where we keep all the resources being shared by the group


Click here to check your work for week 1


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