

Page history last edited by Daniela Munca-Aftenev 15 years, 1 month ago


This is our international Images4Education Team who will lead you into the realm of images, digital story telling, excitement and fun! Join us.


Go here to see the YouTube.







A bit more about this group of excited educators that will be co-moderating the Images4Education Session


Alice Barr



Welcome all!

After living, teaching, and traveling on 5 continents, I am currently the Instructional Technology Integrator for Yarmouth High School in Yarmouth, Maine, USA. I facilitate a 1:1 laptop program for grades 9 - 12 (ages 14 - 18). I also teach at The University of Southern Maine and provide professional development sessions during the school year. I have participated in EVO and am a member of the podcast SEEDlings with Cheryl Oakes and Bob Sprankle. http://alicebarr.com




Ana Maria Menezes



I'm an EFL teacher and coordinator at a language institute in Brazil and am an edutech enthusiast. I love exploring different internet tools and use them as a way to promote interaction among students. I´ve been a "Learning with computers" member since 2006 and have co-moderated a session in  EVO 2008. My personal blog is http://lifefeast.blogspot.com



Carla Arena

I'm a Brazilian EFL educator who's passionate about teaching. I'm curious and always in search of online tools that can add value to my teaching practices and hook up students to learn. I truly believe in the transformational power education holds when we find the right means to engage, enchant and motivate our learners.
I'm a teacher trainer at a Binational Center in Brasilia. I've been more and more involved in e-learning projects, devising online sessions and teaching them.  I'm a a blogging fan (or addict!) and enthusiastic Webhead.
I'm really excited about this online journey. For the past two years, I've co-moderated the Blogging4Educators session, but I'm up to this challenge of a session with wonderful souls.

More about me at BrazilBridges
I used to blog at http://explorations.bloxi.jp and now I've just made a move to http://collablogatorium.blogspot.com

Cheryl Oakes



Hello, I am a Collaborative Content Coach for Technology for our school district of 1460 students in Wells Ogunquit Community School District, Maine. In 2005, I completed a course during the online Electronic Village, Becoming a Webhead. That one course opened the door to so many opportunities that I am happy to "pay it back" by being part of this collaborative course. I am also a Webcaster at EdtechTalk, blogger at TechLearning.com, member of WoW2.0, presenter and lover of technology.





Daniela Munca 


Hello from Moldova! Technology has had a tremedous impact on my teaching  and it continues to inspire me to explore varios Web tools for a more exciting, inspiring and creative approach to EFL/ESL  methodology. I am currently working with ACCELS (American Councils for International Education) from Moldova http://alc.md/staff , I've been a FLEX (Future Leaders Exchange Program) Program coordinator for two years, and I have also taught kids with visual and hearing impairments ( podcasts and Youtube have been of tremendous help, so I hope to keep exploring other social software tools). I am also teaching Business English at Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova http://dvmuncaasem.blogspot.com/ and I am an active memeber of the iEARN team http://iearn.org/ .





Jane Petring

I teach English at the college/university level near Montreal in Quebec, Canada. I have participated, moderated or coordinated EVOs since 2004 and have used blogs with my students since my first discovery of the wonderful EVO community. I have also authored two series of textbooks for university-level ESL students that integrate topics dealing with online learning, global issues, media literacy and job-preparation skills and am in the last stages of writing an advanced level grammar and writing text. A current blog I use with my students is  http://englishcefblog.blogspot.com/ 



Mary Hillis    

Hello!  I am an EFL teacher in Japan who is enthusiastic about language teaching and learning. In 2006, I joined two online communities of practice: Becoming a Webhead and Learning with Computers. Since then, I have been exploring how technology can be used for both personal and professional projects.  You can read more about me at my blog, One Teacher's Journey







Nina Liyulkun


I come from Ukraine. I am also a teacher of English and co-coordinator on using Moodle platform at the Khmelnitskiy National University. Since the participation in Learning with Computers, Blogging 4 Beginners and BAW07 sessions this year I've been involved into activities using IT for teaching and learning online within our university. The sessions have given an impulse to continue improving my skills in this area. More info can be found at collaborative WorldCALL 2008 wiki,




Susan Burg



I am an ESL teacher in Italy, specialized in e-learning at the Università degli Studi di Firenze.  I presently write course content for E-prof and I, too, am very passionate about online learning and teaching.  I have been happily involved in the EVO community since 2002, first as participant and last year as co-moderator for the session on PowerPoint.  I blog at Open found and Susan




Kathy Epps 



I live in Switzerland; I've just moved from the International School of Geneva - Campus des Nations to the International School of Central Switzerland (ISOCS), where I'm helping teachers and students develop their interests and expertise in the possibilities offered by information and communication technology for extension, enrichment, creativity and discovery in teaching and learning. My digital portfolio is at this link.




Dennis Oliver


I'm a former ESL and Developmental English teacher now living in Phoenix, Arizona, U.S.A. I've been professionally involved with ESL for a long, long time (since the early 1970s!) and have worked in the U.S. states of Illinois, Oklahoma, Texas, California, and Oregon, as well as in Arizona. I haven't always been a teacher, however.


I taught ESL in Illinois at an IEP during graduate school and at ELS Language Centers in Oklahoma and Texas. In California, I was a curriculum developer, teacher trainer, and textbook editor for ELS, and in Oregon, I worked for a well-known textbook author, Edwin T. Cornelius, Jr., as an editor and writer. I returned to teaching when I moved from Oregon to Arizona in 1990, working first, in the Phoenix area, at a now-defunct international boarding facility, Judson School, then at the IEP at Arizona State University, and finally at Estrella Mountain Community College.


I've been interested in images of one kind or another—from pencil-and-paper line drawings to digital photos and video—for as long as I can remember. I'm very well aware of the impact they have, not only in teaching, but also in many facets of everyday life.



Saša Sirk 




I am Saša Sirk, an English teacher from Slovenia. I teach freshmen at vocational college of Tehniški šolski center in Nova Gorica. I'm a webhead, an iEARNER,  and a member of the Slovene Association of LSP Teachers and IATEFL Slovenia. I started learning to swim in the cyber ocean in TESOL's EVO 06 and I enjoy coming back year after year to continue exploring, connecting, learning, and sharing. I blog in my Cyberkitchen. 



Erika Cruvinel



My name is Erika Cruvinel and I have been teaching English as a foreign language in Brazil for 10 years. I work at a binational center, Casa Thomas Jefferson, and I am also a member of this school's EdTech Team. Nowadays, I spend most of my time working with online courses and teacher training. My main interests are the use of Web 2.0 tools in the classroom, international collaborative projects, social networks and professional development. EVO has changed the way I teach, the way I learn, my values my beliefs and it has allowed me to meet so many interesting and brilliant people from all around the globe. I hope it changes your life for better too! 

More about me at BrazilBridges



Comments (1)

Daniela Munca-Aftenev said

at 9:14 am on Jan 1, 2010

What a great team!

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